New Replacement Front Doors

New Energy Efficient Replacement Front Doors

There are typically three aspects behind choosing new or replacement front doors and those would be appearance, security & energy efficiency. Basically, if you existing one looks shabby, doesn’t fit well and can’t keep the weather (or an intruder) out then it’s time to get a new one.

Replacement Front Doors

The latest “FrontGuard” range from Garador may be a good place to start. This range is claimed to be “ultra-energy efficient” with a U-value of 0.81w /m2k. as compared to typical UPVC model (1.7m sq in overall area) which would be around 1.8 or a timber model at around 3.0.

A standard front door with a 3.0 U-value will transfer approximately 115w of heat during cold weather

The “FrontGuard” has built in rubber seals along all the 4 edges which keep out wind & rain. The core is constructed with 65mm of insulating polyurethane foam which is very dense and is essential to give that very low U-value.

As standard, the frames benefit from thermal breaks to stop heat & cold transfer and as the frames are aluminium this is very important.

Style is clearly a strong point with some striking designs which are available in a wide range of colours – as an example, their FGS010 design comes in 15 colour options.

The FrontGuard range has around 11 main designs with the FrontGuard Plus range having 8 or more

Typical Features

  • Steel faced
  • 46-65mm dense foam cores
  • Thermal breaks on frames
  • 12-point security locks
  • Shatter-proof glazing
  • RC2 Security Certified
  • “Secured by Design” Accreditation
  • 10-year guarantee

In terms of security these doors & frames are very good, benefiting from steel facing, aluminium frames, multipoint locks and glazed areas (double or triple) with shatter-proof glass. The outside panes are laminated with the inside panes being toughened.

Garador are also very well known & respected Garage Door manufacturers.

If you want to know more, you can see their brochure here:

John has been around the building industry since he was a child. With a degree in civil engineering, John is a highly valued contributor to our website.