General Techniques for Removing Stains in Your Carpet

Our Top Tips

Removing stains in your carpet is the most unpleasant and truly painful household chore and it doesn’t guarantee that all stains will be removed.

Stain prevention is an almost impossible task, but Do The Test has collected a list of interesting methods to removing stains in your home. Knowing these strategies is a great idea and can help you in the future.

Usually the carpets are the biggest target of stains in the home. The best way to deal with the carpet stains is to clean it as soon as you spill, drop or drag something in. However, sometimes carpet cleaning comes a few days or even weeks after the spot is noticed.

Here are helpful and universal general techniques for DIY carpet cleaning:

  • The best cleaning product for the fresh stains is the good old baking soda. This universal ingredient for homemade cleaning detergents is a strong enemy for carpet cleaning. Apply a few teaspoons of baking soda and few drops of warm water on the stain and leave it to foam and bubble without soaking the liquid. Wait for a couple of minutes and then sponge harshly and thoroughly. See more information.
  • Unfortunately, not all the stains on your carpet are fresh and new. For the old ones, you can use the following mixture – warm water, three tablespoons white vinegar, and two tablespoons dish wash detergent. Apply the homemade cleaning product on the carpet stain and start rubbing vigorously. When the dirtiness is gone, dry the carpet carefully, because the humidity will attract new microbes, dust, and grease in a few seconds.
  • An interesting and not common technique for removing stains involves shaving cream. Foam the rug with it and wipe with some unused sponge (in order to avoid transmission of new dirtiness on the surface). When the spot starts disappearing, rinse with cloth and soak with toilet paper attentively.
  • Can’t seem to get the stain out? Don’t worry, let the experts take over! Hiring a professional team of carpet cleaners that have experience is always your best bet. They will have the necessary equipment needed to remove those tough stains. Click here for steam carpet cleaners in Melbourne.